The European Commission raised its forecast of growth of gross domestic product (GDP) the euro zone in 2010. to 1,7% in comparison with the previous estimate, this past spring, the 0,9% growth. The outlook for economic growth in the EU also increased significantly - from 1,0% to 1,8%, the report says the European Commission. At the same time the European Commission forecast by analysts inflation in 2010. remained stable and will make 1,8% for the EU and 1,4% for the eurozone.
According to the report of the European organizations, such a substantial increase in GDP growth forecast EU and the euro zone in 2010. due to the strong growth rate in II quarter (GDP in the euro area in the II quarter of 2010. rose by 1% compared with the previous quarter, considerably higher than in I quarter of 2010. at the level of 0,3%). At the same time, analysts European Commission (EC) noted the recovery of domestic demand in Europe, especially in Germany - Europe's largest economy. However, despite these encouraging findings, experts from the EC informed that the second half of 2010. GDP growth in EU countries will slow, while excluding the possibility of occurrence of the second wave of recession in the economy. In general, according to the report of the EC, economic recovery remains fragile, the uncertainty - high, and the differences between EU member states is very large.
Note that the EC has significantly enhanced the outlook for economic growth in Germany in 2010. - Up to 3.4% from the previous estimate of 1.2%. However analysts said the EC, the German economy recovered rapidly, showing a steady growth for the fifth consecutive quarter, starting with the II quarter of 2009. The experts of the EC was also raised forecast GDP growth of France in 2010. (Although less significantly) - up to 1,6% from 1,3%. More optimistic analysts of the EC and the situation in Spain, where the projected decline in GDP in 2010. 0,3% (previously reported by the EC on the reduction of GDP by 0,4%). In general, the positive trends in the Spanish economy in the I and II quarters of 2010., Due to temporary factors, and come to naught in the II half of 2010., The report says the EC. In addition, the EC has revised GDP growth forecast for Britain in 2010. - Up to 1,7% from 1,2% and the forecast for growth in Poland - to 3,4% from 2,7%. Revision of forecast for GDP growth in Poland is associated with better than predicted, analysts results of the first half of 2010.